Apply Latest 3 Brela Jobs | March 2025

Job Overview

On behalf of Brela, PSRS is inviting qualified and dynamic candidates to apply for the following positions (Deadline 12th March 2025)

3 Brela Jobs vacancies March 2025.

1. Patents Section Manager

Wakala wa Usajili wa Biashara na Leseni (BRELA)

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  • To manage the administration of Patents Act (Cap 217) R.E. 2002 and Regulations;

  • To advice the Director of Industrial property (Deputy Registrar) on matters related to Patents;

  • To advise on amendments of laws and Regulations related to Patents.

  • To review and process applications for grant of Patents and issue the respective certificates;

  • To review and recommend for approval on processing of National Patents, Industrial Designs and applications filed through regional and international routes;

  • To manage the administration of post grant activities to ensure maximum compliance is attained;

  • To administer international projects and communications on matters related to Patents;

  • To liaise with National Commission for Science and Technology (COSTECH), Higher Learning and Research and Development Institutions for the promotion of innovation, science and technology, protection and commercialization of research results;

  • To coordinate participation in international fora for matters related to Patents and ensure national commitments are fulfilled;

  • To manage Patents records and ensure the information is available for the public use;

  • To prepare and implement awareness creation programs on the procedures, standards and requirements for Patent applications to increase the number of filed Patents;

  • To perform any other duties as may be assigned by the Supervisor.


Holder of Master Degree in one of the following fields: Economics, Law, Agricultural Economics, Agribusiness, Statistics, International Trade, Economics and Finance, Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Business Administration or Commerce in either Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Accountancy or equivalent qualifications from a recognized institution. The Master Degree must be related to a Bachelor Degree. Must have work experience of at least eight (8) years in related field of which two(2) years should be at a Senior Level.


As per BRELA Salary Scale


2. Head of Business Registry Unit

Wakala wa Usajili wa Biashara na Leseni (BRELA)


  • To advise and provide guidance on records management systems;

  • To maintain electronic and manual records in line with Government Policies, Regulations and Manuals;

  • To advise the Management on matters related to implementation of Records Management Policies, Regulations and Manuals;

  • To Process file classification scheme and indices for the Agency’s records;

  • To maintain electronic and manual Registers for Business Names, Companies, Business License, Industrial Licences, Patents, Trade and Service Marks;

  • To manage retrieval of records and monitoring file movement for proper tracking;

  • To Control incoming and outgoing correspondences and registering various documents;

  • To design and maintain electronic and manual files arrangement and control the movement of Business files within and outside the Organization;

  • To develop and maintain records and archiving management systems for the Agency;

  • To coordinate implementation of Records Retention and Disposal Schedule of the Agency;

  • To maintain and manage all documentation correspondences including post registration records;

  • To facilitate timely updating of Business Files and Records in cooperation with Core Directorates;

  • To supervise scanning and indexing and archiving of files; and

  • To perform any other duties as may be assigned by the Supervisor.


Holder of Master Degree in Records Management, Archives, Archive and Documentation, Records and Information Management or equivalent qualifications from recognized Institutions. The Master Degree must be related to a Bachelor Degree. Must have work experience of at least eight (8) years in related field of which two(2) years should be at a Senior Level.


As per BRELA Salary Scale



3. Deputy Registrar – Licensing

Wakala wa Usajili wa Biashara na Leseni (BRELA)


  • To administer the National Industries (Licensing and Registration) Act No. 10 of (1967) and the Business Licensing Act, 1972;

  • To advise on the matters pertaining to Industrial Licence and Business Licence;

  • To direct and supervise all operations in the Directorate of Licensing;

  • To coordinate preparations of recommendations on applications for submission to the Industrial Licensing Board;

  • To approve feasibility studies submitted by prospective investors;

  • To liaise with other Institutions on licensing issues;

  • To provide technical advice to prospective investors on licensing issues;

  • To manage register of Licences;

  • To participate in the preparation of strategic plans, annual budgets and operational plans, including implementation timeframes, identification of resource requirements and responsible players;

  • To coordinate the preparation of Directorate performance reports and distribute to appropriate users;

  • To review and approve Industrial and Business Licences;

  • To suspend, revoke or cancel of issued Licenses where necessary;

  • To liaise with Regional and District Trade Offices in the Local Government Authorities to facilitate licensing processes through online platforms; and

  • To perform any other duties as may be assigned by the Chief Executive Officer.


Holder of Master Degree in one of the following fields: Economics, Law, Agricultural Economics, Agribusiness, Statistics, International Trade, Economics and Finance, Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Business Administration or equivalent qualifications from a recognized higher learning institution. The Master Degree must be related to a Bachelor Degree. Must have work experience of at least eight (8) years in related field of which two(2) years should be at a Senior Level.


As per BRELA Salary Scale


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